I Have a Dream. You Have a Dream. We All Have a Dream


Martin Luther King, Jr. has been quoted by many and will continue to inspire all who listens to fight for what's right and to enable a world filled with love and not hate.   His unwavering leadership to achieve civil rights, promote nonviolent social change, and emphasize interracial cooperation has carried on with so many of us to this very day.  

But this MLK week is extra special. On January 20th, our nation will swear in the first female Vice President, Kamala Harris and cement in the history books this monumental accomplishment we as a nation has completed.  Although there is significant work that must continue, on this day we can smile brightly for all of the "good trouble" John Lewis spoke of that got this nation to this very day.

Please join us as we celebrate the legacy of the great Martin Luther King, Jr. and the new legacy Vice President Kamala Harris has begun.